The Page Green Residents’ Association is for everyone who lives or works in the N15 areas of:
Ashmont, Earlsmead , Pembroke, Colless, Townsend, Wakefield Roads, Page Green Terrace and Stephenson House (158 High Road).
Our association has been meeting since September 2011. Our aim is to get to know each other, build a strong community, and to get our concerns heard by Haringey Council and the police. Our major priorities have been:
Broken and uneven pavements
Rubbish collection & fly tipping
The lack of green / play space
Growing violent street crime
Unlicensed HMOs (houses of multiple occupation) operating without planning permission
Empty houses
Street drinkers
In the past few years, we have been amazingly active and successful. We have:
Gone on a walk-about around our neighbourhood, making a list of outstanding problems and taking relevant pictures of our concerns. This document was sent to various Haringey departments and our councillors who are now dealing with many of our issues.
Started a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in our area
Built a closer relationship with the police, who have helped us tackle a number of problems such as prostitution in the area
Got empty houses investigated
Got rubbish removed and made a dent in fly tipping
Been asked to be on the Tottenham Gyratory Stakeholders’ Committee to input into the new two way system and re-landscape Ashmount Open Space on Broad Lane
Raised funds to improve Rangemoor Open Space (Planting from 2013 summer 2015)
Raised funds to put up a community notice board, which was installed in 2013
Raised funds for a community street mural (monthy worksessions are taking place now)
Put in an application to re-landscape the Page Green Open Space along the High Road
Helped prevent a Rave Club from opening in the area
Linked up with other Resident Associations in Haringey
Worked to access some Tottenham regeneration money for our neighbourhood (on going)
Got to know our neighbours and made friendships
Organised our first anniversary party, which was held in October 2012 - see above link
Next Meeting: - Sunday the 12th of January at 3pm at 31 Pembroke Road, N15 4NW (please do RSVP )
Including the following:
General update
Page Green Common improvements
Rangemoor Open Space
Page Green Mural
Rangemoor Open Space : Our next planting day - TBC
Page Green Residents Association is running a project to make the Rangemoor Open Space more welcoming, pleasant and colourful by planting flowers, climbers and raised planters. Please follow the above link for info/photos of our 1st, 2nd and 3rd planting days which took place in 2013-2015. With ongoing planting planned throughout the year.
To contact us, join or find out more, please email us on: